First step is to realize why. Everyone has different reasons. Some feel like shit and want more energy and to feel better. Others do it because they have poor health and high health risks/disease. And some to lose weight - for health reasons or to be skinny? If its the later ask yourself why do you want to be skinny? Is it because you think that's healthy or because you feel ugly? Either way, you are wrong. Skinny does not equal healthy, I am not saying someone obese or underweight is healthy either, but skinny does not mean healthy. There are plenty of very slim girls who just have high metabolisms and genetics that allow them to eat McDonalds every day, is that healthy? No. There is a healthy range and that is different for everyone.
- It is better to have 5-6 small meals as that will feel like constant snacking instead of 3 meals and then always heading over to have additional snacks.
- Drink plenty of water before a meal, it will help fill you up more.
- sometimes our eyes are larger than our stomachs and then you feel the need to finish your plate. Leave it for later, its ok to leave food on your plate, we have been conditioned to finish our plates but you do not have to.
- Stop using the words "cheats" and "cheat meals" as it makes these foods negative. Just eat them in moderation and when you feel is right. It is not a cheat, it is just another meal or snack.
- Go food shopping full, when you go hungry you tend to buy stuff you are craving and then it will be in your pantry for later for you to munch on. Do not buy it and you will not be tempted late at night to have it.
- Consider if you are really hungry or you are having a craving. If you thinking you are hungry and want that slice of cake in the fridge, consider this, would you eat and apple instead? If you do not want that apple, you are not actually hungry, you are craving.
- Have a variety of food available. If you do weight loss programs that are only letting you have cereal in the morning every morning or a shake, you will not succeed because you will crave other things.
- chew chew chew. Do not gobble down your food. It does not give you the proper time to digest it and you can end up eating more than you needed to and end up stuffed and feeling gross. Eating alone also causes you to scarf down your food.
- I find eating 5-6 smaller meals a day more effective than 3 large ones. Not only do your energy levels stay high but for people who love it eat, you constantly are.
- Green tea! It is proven to help speed your metabolism
- Do not take pills that are said to speed your metabolism up, those are harmful drugs that are messing with your natural body functions. Go natural.
- Fiber up! Juicing is great once in a while but do not forget to eat whole foods as they contain fiber. High fiber will make you digestion easier and will not back you up.
- It is true what they say. Fitness is 30% of your diet. You can workout all you want but if you are eating crap you will not see results.
- Be active all the time. Even if you do not have time to workout in the mornings, try walking you dog for 10 min, try some morning stretches and yoga, do some crunches while laying in bed for 15min, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Its small things that add up.
- For keeping health, try working out 3-4 times a week, for loosing weight aim for 5.
- Do not overdue it! You will hurt your body more than you think. Feel the burn, but do not feel it too much. I once started working out after a while of being lazy and I did an hour and a half just fine, the next day my knee was killing me and I didn't workout the rest of the week because of it. Know your limits.
This is a serious issue. Do not call a girl gross because she is anorexic or bulimic. Do not judge that because someone is overweight they are just a lazy pig. Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes. It is something mental and is not something you tell a person to get over. Give a helping hand instead of judging, that person probably has an eating disorder because of what people have said or what they have seen, they do not need any more judgment.
- Try to realize why you feel this way. Why do you starve yourself, throw up your food, constantly diet and go up and down in weight. It is something you are feeling on the inside, you are not happy with yourself or your life and using food as a was to cope. Before trying to get over your eating disorder, you have to fix whatever it in internally that you are struggling with.
- Realize that you are beautiful because of the way you act, the kindness you spread, and the joy you bring to others. Do not compare yourself to others because you will never be happy and do not assume that when you are skinny that you will be happy. Everyone has problems and bad things happen to them, this is life, a thin body will not magically make all that go away.
- Reach out to friends and family, you need a support system. Surround yourself with positive people who love you, not the friends who also has the same goal as you and is enabling your disorder.
- Distract yourself with other things. If you are great at drawing, do that. If you like to play sports, do that. Find other interests and focuses, do not think about only your body image.
- Love yourself. You are amazing, powerful, beautiful, smart, kind, you are so much more than a number on a scale.
Worry a little less about how the world is perceiving you, that will never bring true happiness. Worry about finding your true self and inner peace, being happy with yourself inside and out is the only way to really be happy. Stop creating a facade just to get praise and approval from others. You don't need anyone's approval to be you. Love yourself for who you really are and everything else will fall into place.
For some reason people think it's ok to tell a girl they find "ugly" that shes unhealthy and needs to eat a cheeseburger (because that's healthy?) or that she looks like an anorexic (last time I checked that's a mental disease and not just a look) the always popular line "ew guys don't like that" (wtf do you know? Yes, because all guys in the world have only 1 type and only you are it) or they simply call them ugly... Why is this??? Why do these people find it's ok to be so nasty to these girls when they would NEVER tell an overweight girl to stop eating or that's she's gross and lazy and needs to be slimmer. It's just as rude either way. No one has the right to judge anyone else, especially people online who you don't even know. Just because it's not what you like, doesn't mean it's ugly!!! If you don't like it... Move along... Beauty is on the inside and by saying these things, those people are just showing how ugly they really are.It's disgusting and I'm sure you wouldn't want it done to you. You don't know what that person eats, the workouts they do, the metabolism they have, the issues they have inside of them, whatever the reason is. Same goes for curvier people, if you do not like it, then don't look like that and don't date that. Being anorexic and being overweight and serious things, no one deserves to be shamed for it, they need help and kindness because they are clearly in that position because of people making horrible comments towards them. It's not freedom of speech to comment hurtful things, it's just being a JERK. Learn some manners, educate yourself, grow up and spread some love.