Just as a disclaimer: I am in no way a doctor or expert on YOUR health. I am just a regular girl who has done the research and seen the results on myself and my body and several others I know. I have been following this lifestyle for a while now and noticed a dramatic difference in everything from my skin to my energy and body and I was a (junkfood) vegetarian for 13 years beforehand.

And please, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or need advice... feel free to ask me here Chilali13.tumblr.com/ask anonymously or not!

What is 801010?
801010 refers to a lifestyle (not a diet!) consisting of eating high carb and low fat foods. 80% of your calorie intake comes from carbs - fruit mostly as its the purest raw carbs you can have, 10% protein from greens (yes! greens have protein when you eat enough of them) and 10% fat intake - the good kind, avocado, nuts, seeds, etc.

Woah that's a lot of fruit!
Guess what? Its good for you! Do not believe the hype that since fruit has sugar it is bad for you. First, there is a huge difference between the added sugar in cola and the natural fueling sugar in fruits. It is also a lot less fruit than you think compared to greens, remember that this is based on calorie intake and not quantity percentage. If you are eating 2,000 calories a day (which is the bare minimum you should be eating! Shoot for 2.5-3.5 depending your weight and activity level, even more sometimes) but lets say 2k to keep it simple... that means 1,600 calories should be from carbs (fruit mostly) 200 or more from greens - do you have any idea how much that is? about 2 pounds of lettuce at least and another 200 in fat.

Why wont the fruit make me fat?
Because fruit fuels us as human beings. We need carbs to have constant high energy. Since adapting this lifestyle I have given up my 4 cups of coffee a day and haven't had one in about 5 months - maybe once with friends as a treat since I do like the taste but not for the energy purposes. Consuming high amounts of fruit will not make you fat! Fat and excessive eating will! Keep your fat intake low and the sugar from the fruit will keep you energized and will not be converted into stored fat. When is the last time you saw a fat fruiterian? And we eat a lot!!! There is also a misconception about diabetes, sugar from fruit will not give you diabetes! What will? Well besides being genetically more prone... Consuming high amounts of processed sugar in colas, candy, and other gross forms. High nigh nigh fat levels and being lazy, not working out and gaining excess amount of weight. Due to the fact that the average person consumes high amounts of processed sugar + their fat intake is through the roof it can sometime cause diabetes. Before turning to 801010 I calculated what my % was while eating what I thought was a "healthy" diet... the results were shocking!!!
For example I will post a typical salad and an 801010 salad.

2 cups romaine lettuce                    2 cups romaine lettuce
1 wedge feta cheese                       3 cups kale
1/2 avocado                                    sprinkle of walnuts
1 cucumber                                    1 cucumber
1/2 handful sun dried tomato            1/2 cup cherry tomatoes
dressing of olive oil + vinegar            dressing of 1 mango + 1 bell pepper blended with lime

568 calories                                    364 calories
16g carbs                                       84g carbs
49g fat                                            3g fat
11g protein                                     12g protein

10% carbs                                      85% carbs
5% protein                                      10% protein
85% fat                                           5% fat

Just altering a few things makes a huge difference. They may look similar, both healthy salads but ones has a fat of 85% and one has a fat of 10%. Not only is your fat lowered but your calories are too which means you can eat twice as much. Sodium intake is lowered ad vitamin A + C have been pumped up, along with Iron and Fiber! 364 calories for a raw vegan is pretty low, double that and it would make a decent dinner. So if you wonder why you are eating healthy and not losing weight... sometimes what you think you are eating as a healthy option is actually pretty fatty!
Now, all this being said... this way of calorie counting to understand 801010 percentages is ok when you begin 801010 so you get how to divide it up, but DO NOT COUNT calories. Stop it. It's unhealthy. Eat what you need to eat, feel full then stop, feel hungry then eat. Do not allow yourself to starve and be hungry because you are trying to lose weight, you will on 801010 naturally if you are eating high amounts!

But don't we need more fat and protein. AKA Meat + Dairy
No. Crazy huh? As human beings this is a healthy amount to consume on a daily basis. As a child yes, you need more fat, so if you have a raw vegan baby or just want to introduce this to you child, up until the developing stage of 7yrs old, the fat intake should be higher for sure. We need healthy fats for our brains but we don't needs ridiculous amounts of it. We need protein for our muscles and growth but again, not ridiculous amounts! If you are a body competitor, sure raise up the protein another 5-10 percent, if not 10 is perfect! We are brainwashed by the meat and dairy industry and the health industry to eat meat for protein and add protein to your shakes. Each year the USDA managed programs spend $550 million to advertise Americans with slogans to buy more meat and dairy while the average American is already consuming double what they are told they need. Are the successful? Absofuckinglutely! Aside from making a burger 99cents and a pound of organic lettuce $5... Each marketing dollar spent, boosts their average of $8, making an additional added $4.6 billion in government backed sales to the already insane number they are making. The average American consumes 200 pounds of meat per year and various clinical studies show it is causing more cancer, more diabetes, more heart disease with Americans at twice the obesity rate and three times the cancer rate compared to the rest of the world. What the fuck. Wake up! Of course I am not saying this is the only reason we get these diseases, but come on the facts are right there. Each year they spend 38 billion to subsidize meat and dairy, but only 0.04% (17 million) for fruits and veggies. They may say eat more fruits and veggies and less cholesterol (meat and dairy) yet the money goes to animal agriculture. 

Beef. It’s what’s for dinner. 
Milk. It does a body good.
Got milk?

But its natural for us to eat animals.
Is it? Is it really? Or is this what society has made you perceive. Think about it, why is it "delicious" and natural to eat a cow, yet you best friend is a dog. What is the difference? Why don't you eat a dog? Because it isn't socially acceptable, dogs have been conditioned by us to be pets and you have been conditioned to think their is a difference. "We have done it since the dawn of time" We did eat meat! True. Why? Because we were hunters and gatherers (we also ate fruits and veggies) we didn't know any better. Look at the world now, smartphones, men in space, cars, pills that will cure a disease, we have evolved so why are you using cavemen as a reference? Do you go out into the wild and hunt an animal down, slice it open and try to cook it on a daily basis? No. We aren't meant to eat animals. Physically we are not made for it, from the way our intestines are to our teeth and tongue, our hands and skills, everything about us screams not carnivorous! From dinosaurs, to animals now, to human beings, we do not posses the traits of a species that eats another species. Look at koala bears, look at chimps, look at any animal that eats greens and notice their traits, now do the same for a cheetah, a lion, a shark, even a dog... which category do human being fall under as a species? We evolved mentally and created tools and weapons, take those things out of the picture and would you be able to hunt down another creature and rip it apart with your bear hands and teeth and eat it? No. I can pick my fruits and veggies and eat that as is, you have to inject an animal with hormones, lather it in spices and herbs, and cook it. Its not natural or normal. 

Falling off the wagon
Some people argue they don't feel good when they stop eating meat (weak and tired) and they go back to eating meat, this is normal! This is called detoxing! Years and years of putting crap in your body and of course you are going to feel horrible when you stop. Same goes with people addicted to coffee or certain pills, our bodies are smart and they have adapted but when you stop feeding it these things its confused. You have to go about it the right way and make sure you are still striving properly, its not the lack of meat, its the lack of knowledge.
Same goes for eating healthy. Sometimes you are doing so great and then you fall off the wagon. That's normal too, don't let it discourage you. I fall a lot and I pick myself up and say, "ok, oh well, next step" It is ok to mess up, it means you're trying! Some people also fall off because they miss cookies and cakes and fatty foods, its ok, have a little just don't have the whole thing. The longer you stick to 801010, the easier it becomes. You're taste buds change drastically. I use to be a total junk foodie vegetarian and I loved artificial sweets and all the junk, I taste it now and it actually grosses me out. The taste is not what it use to be so I don't feel the temptation to go for more. I lathered my salads in dressing because greens had no taste to them and now a little lemon and I am good to go because I now taste the greens for what they are.

So what is allowed and not allowed on 801010?
I don't like when people say "allowed" because I use to as well when I first started and hearing some answers it make me think "oh my gosh I can not do this" I know bananas is a big deal in the raw vegan community and I loath them so you don't have to like every fruit and veggie out there! 
Things you should be aware of: (you do not have to give them up 100% but just realize how much and when you need them)

  • Coffee - its a stimulant you do not need - over time you let it go. I have it occasionally socially.
  • Oils - Yes even the perceived healthy olive oil! Try coconut oil instead and keep it minimal.
  • Processed food - Look at the label, can't pronounce it? Do not buy it! Why are you eating things you have no idea what the ingredient actually is? nwgnrwughrwkjsfnsfj is not an ingredient you need to be eating. Stick to 2-3 ingredients max and make sure you can recognize them all.
  • Alcohol!!! We all love it, just keep it low.
  • Sugar - Processed of course.
  • SALT - cut that out! It does nothing for you but bloat you and cause problems. I have a tiny sprinkle of Himalayan pink sea salt once in a while in my salad because I use to consumer about a tbsp a day before so that was the hardest thing for me to cut out. I love salt but it does so much damage internally and keeps you bloated.
A little on me and how strictly I follow 801010
I do not follow 801010 100% of the time. I am human and sometimes I do want a yummy cooked meal. I would have to say I follow 801010 about 80% when it comes to being raw. I try to follow it as much as I feel I should and can. I do have some cooked meals maybe every other day, I still eat cacao and other super foods, I love to drink tea and I will have a little coffee when I am out having dinner and they offer it with dessert. I cut out oils (not coconut) and processed sugar completely. I do use a pinch of salt sometimes. I haven't eaten meat in 13 years but that's besides the point. I do juice once in a while and I do make some yummy high fat but raw and sometimes not raw desserts but I eat them in moderation, so yeah some days my fat intake is higher but not like before! I adopted this lifestyle for my health first and foremost and other reasons just slid into place as well. Would I ever consume dairy? Probably, not going to lie. If I feel like it, yes, but I would never make it at home or anything as I hate the taste of milk and cheese now makes me a little sick... this is more like if I were on vacation in Italy and there was amazing icecream I always wanted to try, then yeah I would have a small amount. Or maybe I am at someones home who didn't know my eating habits. Or a wedding I was a guest at and I am hungry. I am not about to eat meat ever again but I am more lenient on myself with other things. I am talking about maybe a handful of times a year. This isn't a race or competition on who can be raw vegan the best, its about doing you personal best and feeling your best, only you should decide what you put in your body. Do not let anyone make you feel guilty if you have a small slip. It's ok! You are trying your personal best, not trying to be the best ...Do I still drink? Hell yeah. I don't binge drink 5 nights a week like when I was in school, but if I am with friends, I will absolutely have a couple drinks and even get a little tipsy and let loose. Know your limit and don't do it all the time!

My average day
  • Wake up and stretch
  • Have 1 lt lemon water to start your digestive track moving and hydrating yourself.
  • Workout! Try before or after your first meal - I know they say you should eat within 1 hour of waking up but unless I am really starving I usually don't as I just don't have the desire. Workout 30min - 1 hour. Powerwalk, jog, run, swim, do yoga, try out the machines at the gym, pilates, whatever! Get moving. If you belong to a gym and have the time and facilities, hit the steam room! I can not stress enough how much I freakin love steam rooms. So relaxing but don't stay in for more than 15min or so and keep hydrated.
  • Breakfast - usually I make a smoothie, I have never been a morning eater so a smoothie is a great way to get those nutrients in and carbs in to get to ready for the day! Its also great because they are easy to have when you have a busy morning working or doing errands without wasting time.
  • Go about your day - work, take your kids to school, laundry, go shopping, read a book, draw something, meet up with friends.
  • I am more of a grazer when it comes to eating so I rather have 5-6 smaller meals instead of 3 large ones. It keeps me going and energizer and I love snacking and food so I will usually have a little snack, maybe some more fruit, or nuts, even a juice.
  • Lunch is tricky, 801010 suggests more fruit, I probably do thing half the time and the other half I will have a giant salad with a fruit based dressing etc. Make sure to drink a glass of water before lunch and dinner as well! Keep hydrated and it helps fill you up.
  • Depending on my mood and the day, dinner is usually either a large salad filled with yummies, like spirlized zucchini, or a kale salad, maybe a mixed one with some nuts and cranberries, even a little baked potato. The other half of the times I make a cooked meal, like sushi! Obsessed with sushi, make some at home and use some fresh veggies to place inside. Or a little pasta. Perhaps a plant and carb based soup, like cashew carrot ginger. Anything you want, just remember to keep it high carb and low fat.
  • Wind down and do stuff you enjoy. Take an hour, or half an hour if you don't have that to just do something for yourself. I like to draw at night or pamper myself. Put on a clay mask or paint your nails, deep condition your hair while watching funny animals on youtube, whatever it takes to just relax from the day and end the day happy no matter what happened earlier.
  • Have some tea. I love tea. Addict for sure. Do not add sugar. Try a little stevia if you must and add almond milk or lemon juice.
  • Beddy bye. Make sure to have a comfortable bed because it makes the biggest difference in the world. I have to have a large bed (my puppy sleeps with me and takes up half) and lots of pillows! I have 4 plus a body pillow and giant stuffed animal I sleep on, plus a puffy comforter. A good nights rest will make a worlds difference the next day and eventually that adds up.

Again, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or need advice... feel free to ask me here Chilali13.tumblr.com/ask